As we are sure you all appreciate these are very challenging times and life is changing by the minute, or so it seems? It is very much the intention to hold the 40th event on the above date in ‘some’ form or other. It is unlikely there will be a sensible method of bringing people over from America this year. Air travel will be drastically reduced and made all the more expensive as a result. So at the time of writing we are hoping for ‘live music’ and some form of ‘Zoom’ connection with the U.S. At the worst the entire event will be on ‘Zoom’, as Jim G ran the ‘Duane Eddy Convention’ in this format last year and was very pleased with how it turned out on all considerations.
It is interesting to learn the hall will accommodate 400 people but with all considered at this current time? Will it ever be able to cater for this amount again!! I for one would offer we could see quite a dramatic change to our lives as the year progresses and we learn to accept and live within ‘the new normal’!!
Roy Gudge – Friday 19th February 2021…
With many thanks and kind regards, “Stay Safe!”
Roy G…