Unclaimed seven raffle prizes from Saturday as follows, which at the time of writing. I am unable to list the actual items but the tickets we need are as follows, which is the most important aspect. Should you have such please send details to Lucy at the web-site e-mail…
Sixth drawn pale blue (security number AV7K 1B4N) 898
Eighth drawn bright green (security number AQ1M 7Z54) 103
Eleventh drawn bright green (security number AQ1M 7Z54) 15
Fourteenth drawn bright green (details as above) 248
Sixteenth drawn pale blue (security number AV7K 1B4N) 860
Eighteenth drawn bright green (sec/number AQ1M 7Z54) 141
Twentieth drawn bright green (details as above) 986
Twenty first drawn light grey (security number EEW9 SU53) 216
Please make sure you check the security number tallies with the ticket number, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
The prizes involved will be listed on the web site later in the week…
Roy Gudge Tuesday 30th September 2014.