Les Editions Berlot will be here at this years Stomp

Written By: LWDadmin - Sep• 10•14

Publishers of two publications regarding The Beach Boys will be in attendance, I asked them to send us some info about their books and they very kindly acquiesced:

promostomp copy

Les Editions Berlot is proud to attend the 35th annual Beach Boys Stomp Convention and to presentto UK fans the classic Stephen J Mc Parland’s Beach Boys books : The Wilson Project and Our Favourite Recording With The Beach Boys !

As an exclusive treat to Beach Boys Stomp Convention attendees, Our Favourite Recording Sessions will be released on September 27th! The book details 94 BEACH BOYS related recording sessions circa 1961-70, based on official A.F.M. (American Federation of Musicians) recording contracts, all of which are reproduced within the tome. In addition, the book also dissects and reconstructs the events (based on interviews with those involved) circa Summer 1961-Summer 1962 that saw the birth of THE BEACH BOYS as a group. (401 pages,12£)

The Wilson Project details the period from may 1986 to June 1987 that saw leader of the Beach Boys Brian Wilson and songwritter/producer Gary Usher working together in preparation for Brian Wilson’s first solo longplayer. Taken directly from comprehensive audio journals that Gary Usher kept during the period, The Wilson Project is a day by day look at the creative outpourings and the frustrations encountered by Usher and Wilson, as they tried to outwit and out manoeuvre Dr. Eugene Landy, the psychologist in charge of Wilson’s welfare. Stephen Mc Parland unveils the truth behing the myths: Landy’s grip on all aspects of Wilson’s creative and business life, day to day surveillance, the troubled relationship between Wilson and the other beach boys, funny anecdotes on brian wilson’s social and sentimal life etc. Also included in this edition are 100 pages worth of bonuses : handwritten lyrics by Brian Wilson and Gary Usher, exclusives colour photographs from Gary Usher’s private collection, interviews, notes, legal documents etc (395 pages, 14£)

Exclusive limited pack for the Beach Boys Stomp Convention : The Wilson Project + Our Favourite
Recording Sessions : 23£


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